Quality education is essential for the personal and professional development of individuals,as well as for the economic and social growth of countries.it can help reduce poverty,improve health and well-being,promote gender equality,strengthen peace and security,and protect the environment.

Quality education can be defined as education that meets the needs of learners by providing them with the knowledge,skills,attitudes and values necessary for their personal and professional development.It must be inclusive,equitable and relevant to all learners,regardless of age,gender,ethnicity or socio-economic status.It must also be delivered by qualified and motivated teachers,in safe and stimulating learning environments.

Why would ICEDAC USA want to promote quality education for all?

  • It can help improve the lives of individuals and communities.
  • Quality education can help reduce poverty, promote gender equality, strengthen peace and security, and protect the environment.
  • It can also help individuals acquire the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their professional and personal lives.

How can it help?

  • To promote quality education, it is important to put in place educational policies and programs that are inclusive, equitable and relevant to all learners, whatever their age, gender, ethnic origin or socio-economic status.
  • It is also important to provide teachers with training and resources to help them deliver quality education.
  • It is also imperative to create safe and stimulating learning environments for learners.


International Non-Governmental Organization under U.S. law


Head office : 3158 51st Street, Apt# 4 A, Woodside, New-York 11377-1326 / Head office Africa : Ekie, Merlo building 3rd floor #001 , Yaounde, Cameroon


+1-646-408-4476 / +1-646-286-4398 / (+237)658978840.

