About us

who we are

Founded in 2021 in the United States, ICEDAC-USA will be entering its third year of activity by then, confirming its commitment to the integral coverage of issues in all countries such as climate, education, health, gender equality and economic prosperity, in particular by participating in the achievement of the 17 goals defined by the new roadmap for sustainable development (ODD) by 2030.

INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION FOR EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT OF AFRICA COUNTRIES.INC, as it is known, has always been unofficially involved in environmental and humanitarian causes, as well as being a dynamic force in economic development and education.

Before becoming an Organization recognized by the U.S. Government, its members were grouped within an association of intellectuals proposing their reflections to American and international Organizations such as: Brain Forest, of which certain members of the Organization were already members,

INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION FOR EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT OF AFRICA COUNTRIES.INC, abbreviated ICEDAC-USA, was founded by a consortium of three members. The Chairman Executive Officer is Mr. HANS GUY ALAIN, an American national, who was responsible for formalizing and legalizing ICEDAC USA.

ICEDAC-USA is an International Non-Governmental Organization, apolitical, non-denominational, non-profit, professional and specialized in the protection of the environment, development in general and the reduction of suffering in all its forms.


ICEDAC-USA’s primary aim is to use its influence and the skills of its staff to help countries in distress around the world, in accordance with the missions it has set itself. To this end, it develops and/or implements short, medium and long-term projects within the framework of integrated development, taking into account the needs expressed by the States, individuals and/or living beings concerned.

ICEDAC-USA participates in the work of national/international bodies with the aim of contributing to the improvement of living conditions for all individuals and living beings on the planet.

ICEDAC-USA, alone or in association with the other entities of its international network, implements the material and human resources necessary to respond to the needs of States, 01, NGOs and individuals.

ICEDAC-USA is an international lobby whose purpose is to use its influence and put the skills of its agents at the service of States, Organizations and individuals to achieve the objectives of our missions.

ICEDAC-USA also follows the new universal roadmap on sustainable development to 2030 defined in September 2015 by the United Nations and its 194 member states: it’s an agenda for people, for planet, for prosperity, for peace and through partnerships. It sets out a vision for transforming our world by eradicating poverty and ensuring its transition to sustainable development.



His itinerary is first and foremost that of a young man born after colonization and destined to become a citizen of the world.
He is therefore a humanist who came out of different educational backgrounds in Cameroon. His move to the United States gave him the opportunity to have a diversified academic training.
Having witnessed the suffering of the world’s most vulnerable human beings, in refugee camps, etc., Mr Guy A. Hans made a promise to put human dignity at the heart of his work as President and Executive Director of ICEDAC USA. At this time of unprecedented global challenges, he has built on his commitment as a Strategic Member and Founder of ICEDAC USA to launch actions to address the climate emergency that is a defining issue of our time; to advance gender equality and realize ambitious projects in the 19th century to support and strengthen the crucial efforts undertaken by the United Nations to ensure peace, sustainable development, human rights, humanitarian assistance and more. Prior to his appointment as CEO of ICEDACUSA, he was Chairman/CEO of the American companies “Soft-Service Of Trade” and “Hit-Hans International Trading.Inc”.


International Non-Governmental Organization under U.S. law


Head office :3158 51st Street, Apt# 4 A, Woodside, New-York 11377-1326 / Head office Africa : Ekie, Merlo building 3rd floor #001 , Yaounde, Cameroon


+1-646-408-4476 / +1-646-286-4398 / (+237)658978840.

