ICEDAC USA wants to eliminate hunger:

Ensure food security, which guarantees a population’s access to food at all times, in terms of both quality and quantity, and must be sufficient to ensure a healthy and active life, taking into account dietary habits.

Food security is essential if all individuals in a society are to be healthy and develop their full potential, whatever their origin, age, sex, social class, etc…

People of working age who are undernourished are unable to exert themselves physically, fall ill more often and are more likely to die young; they are also reluctant to embark on potentially profitable but riskier investments for fear of the consequences.

World hunger creates a vicious circle from which it is difficult to escape; it affects people’s productivity and exposes them more easily to disease, making them less able to improve their livelihoods or income.

Access to the main resources necessary for survival – water, arable land, education, health – is unequal throughout the world. Even today, millions of people do not have access to running water, while water-related diseases encourage the development of malnutrition. The WHO estimates that 50% of cases of child malnutrition are directly linked to the consumption of water that is unfit for human consumption, as well as to a lack of hygiene and sanitation. To fight hunger sustainably and effectively, it is essential to guarantee MDG n°6: access to water for all.

Why fight world hunger? Today, 690 million people in the world suffer from hunger, and according to United Nations projections, a further 2 billion people will suffer from hunger by 2050.

ICEDAC USA intends to fight hunger by:

Promoting agriculture and livestock breeding by developing vegetable gardens so that children can have access to the nutrients they need to grow well, and by developing new agricultural techniques to create rural incomes and consume low-cost food products.

Rural women play a key role in both components of this global strategy, playing a vital role in generating family income and building household assets, as well as performing multiple functions by producing food, supplying the household, preparing meals and feeding the family.

They also perform multiple functions by producing food,supplying the household,preparing meals and feeding the family.

investing in rural infrastructure such as roads to reinforce or facilitate the transport of food products to major cities.