As the saying goes, “Water is life”. The use of water belongs to everyone, and every individual has the right of access to drinking water under economically acceptable conditions for food and hygiene. Water purification is a process that cleans water by eliminating impurities and pollutants.

Why should ICEDAC USA be involved in water purification?

  • To protect the environment;
  • Because, according to a joint report by WHO and UNICEF, some 2.1 billion people, or 30% of the world’s population, still have no access to domestic drinking water supply services;
  • Because 40% of the world’s population will face water shortages by 2050;
  • To reduce the time women and children spend fetching water.

How can we do this?

  • By creating drinking water points in remote areas;
  • By organizing campaigns to raise awareness and educate people about water pollution through waste;
  • By setting up centers in ICEDAC Medical Mews for the treatment of water-borne pathologies.